MYSQL database
Different type of Operators
- Equal to ( = ) you can use it with any type of data types.
- Not Equal to ( <> or != )
- Less than ( < ) typically use it with numeric and date / time data type.
- Greater than ( > )
- Less than equal to ( <= )
- Greater than equal ( >= )
Example -->
Some syntax by using the above operators
SELECT * FROM Student WHERE Sname = 'Vijay';SELECT * FROM Student WHERE Sname != 'Vijay';
SELECT * FROM Student WHERE Marks < 80;
SELECT * FROM Student WHERE Marks > 80;
SELECT * FROM Student WHERE Marks <= 80;
SELECT * FROM Student WHERE Marks >= 80;
SELECT Statement
- Select command is used to fetch records / data from the table.
- Result of select command - Result set (Row and Column)
Example -->
To fetch all the Column from the table use the following syntax.
SELECT * FROM Student;Example -->
To fetch the specific Column.
SELECT Column_Name FROM Student;Example -->
To fetch the multiple Column.
SELECT Column_1,Column_2 FROM Student;DISTINCT Clause
- Distinct clause is used to remove the duplicate rows from the resultant set.
Example -->
SELECT DISTINCT Branch FROM Student;Example -->
Distinct clause on multiple Column.
SELECT DISTINCT Fname,Qualification FROM Faculty;WHERE Clause
- Used to filter data.
- WHERE clause allows to filter data based on certian conditon or expression.
Example -->
Syntax of SELECT command with WHERE clause.
SELECT * FROM Faculty WHERE Fname = 'Vijay';AND Operator
- AND operator combines two or more boolean expression and return true only if both the expressions evaluate to true.
Example -->
Syntax using of AND oprerator.
SELECT * FROM Student WHERE Branch = 'IT' AND marks < 80;OR Operator
- OR operator combines two boolean expressions and return true if either conditon is true.
Example -->
Syntax using of OR oprerator.
SELECT * FROM Student WHERE Branch = 'IT' OR Branch = 'ECE';- Some important queries by using above Syntax
Examples -->
1. Find faculty Id and Name whose Qualification is
SELECT Fid,Fname FROM Faculty WHERE Qualification = '';2. Find faculty details whose Qualification not Ph.d
SELECT * FROM Faculty WHERE Qualification != 'Ph.d';3. Find student name from IT whose marks are less than 80.
SELECT Sname FROM Student WHERE Branch = 'IT' and Marks < 80;4. Find student names from IT or ECE Branch.
SELECT Sname FROM Student WHERE Branch = 'IT' OR Branch = 'ECE';IN Operator
- IN operator is used to filter data and allows to determine if the value matches any one of list or Result of subquery.
Example -->
Syntax using of IN oprerator.
SELECT * FROM Student WHERE Branch IN ('ECE','CSE');NOT IN Operator
- NOT IN operator is used to filter data and allows to determine if the value does not matches any one of the list or Result of subquery.
Example -->
Syntax using of NOT IN oprerator.
SELECT * FROM Student WHERE Branch NOT IN ('ECE','CSE');BETWEEN Operator
- BETWEEN operator is used to filer data in between specific range of values.
- And it also allow to specify range of values to test.
Example -->
Syntax using of BETWEEN oprerator.
SELECT * FROM Student WHERE Marks BETWEEN 60 and 80;NOT BETWEEN Operator
- It is opposite to the BETWEEN operator.
- BETWEEN operator is used to filer data which is not between the specific range of given values.
Example -->
Syntax using of NOT BETWEEN oprerator.
Below query will return all the rows which
is not lies in between 60 to 80.
LIMIT Clause
- LIMIT Clause is used to constrain the number of rows return by the select Statement.
Example -->
Syntax using of LIMIT Clause.
- Below query will return 4 sequential rows starting from 0 index ( Its means 0 to 3).
- 0 is the starting index and 4 is the number of rows in the below query.
- IS NULL operator is used to check whether the value is NULL or not.
- IS NOT NULL is opposite to the IS NULL Operator.
Example -->
LIKE Operator
- LIKE Operator is used to select rows / data based on patern matching.
- Following two Wild characters are used with the LIKE
- Percentage ( % ) - It matches any string of zero or more characters.
- Underscore ( _ ) - It matches exactly one single character.
- Some important queries by using above Syntax
Examples -->
1. Find faculty details whose name starts with letter 'A' .
SELECT * FROM Faculty WHERE Fname LIKE 'A%';2. Find faculty details whose name ends with letter 'N'
SELECT * FROM Faculty WHERE Fname LIKE '%N';3. Find student marks whose name contains letter 'A' as second letter.
SELECT Sname,Marks FROM Student WHERE Sname LIKE '_A%';4. Find student marks whose name starts with letter 'P' and contains only 5 letter in the name.
SELECT Sname,Marks FROM Student WHERE Sname LIKE 'P____';5. Find faculty details whose name not ends with letter 'N'.
SELECT * FROM Faculty WHERE Fname NOT LIKE '%N';6. Find student details whose name does not contians second letter 'A'.
- Order By clause
Example -->
Syntax using of BETWEEN oprerator.
SELECT * FROM Student WHERE Marks BETWEEN 60 and 80;